▶ When you modify option.ini under manager folder, it is required to firstly close the manager program.
When you modify option.ini under client folder, it is also requird to firlsty close the client program.
(Client.exe can be closed on icon on task bar.)

- Modification of "Option.ini" -

- Close manager.exe or client.exe
- Open and modify "option.ini" under folder of manager
1) ex) movieext=asf|wmv|avi|mpeg|mpg|mp4|3gp|flv|mov
--> Add the extension of video file not included in Q-sign.
2) ex) m_nmaxsize=6144
--> The file size for broadcasting of about 6GB
- Save and close "option.ini".
- Reopen manager.exe or client.exe.

▶ If authentication widnow is shown again after proper completion of authentication,
find CD Key and enter it to box.

--> It can be caused when the system time is ahead of authenticated time.
--> Then it is required to synchronize the system time.

▶ It used to show the same PID in different client PCs.

It is right that PID in both Authentication and About is same.
It is wrong that PID in either Authentication or About is different.
This case is that PID is entered by force.

▶ For initialization of PID, close client program and delete "option.ini".
(Route : C:\QSign 3.0\Client\option.ini)
After then, rerun the client program.

You can also modify PID yourself.
Open "option.ini" and enter the right one to m_szpid.


▶ The maximum size of content available for broadcasting is 2GB.
If it is necessary for modification, please check the figures of m_nmaxsize in Option.ini.

- Route : C:\QSign 3.0\Manager\Option.ini
- It is based on MB. (2048MB = 2GB)

▶ Select the USB lan card in combo box of authentication window.
▶ Check whether PID in combo box is same as one in label.
▶ Enter CD Key to lower box.

▶ Check the version of OS and language type of Qsign.
- In case of ENG OS, it is available to cause the problem with file’s name in KOR or CHN.
- So it is advised to use the file or route name in ENG.

▶ Check the file name whether there is symbol such as “<>’-* and etc.

▶ check the way of addition (by drag or from layer)
- In case of application, it is available to cause the problem with drag way depending on extension of flash
or application.

▶ In case of video contents, check the codec
- ex) MOV = Quicktime player

▶ Check the extension of file whether it is supported by Q-sign manager.
- You can check it in option.ini in manger folder under Qsign 3.0 (movieext=flvㅣmovㅣts…..)

▶ Qsign is authenticated with information of Lan Card.
When the authenticated lancard’s connection is disabled, the authentication window is shown.

- PC1
LAN1 (Authenticated) (Abled)
LAN2 (Connected to internet)
→ It normally works although another lancard is connected to internet.
- PC2
LAN1 (Authenticated) (Disabled)
LAN2 (Connected to internet)
→ Because authenticated lancard’s connection is disabled, the authentication window is shown.

diffPID (different PID) ⇒ PID number is different.

▶ When the manager screen is lately open after 20~30 seconds from start although the icon is already
shown on task bar
▶ When the delivery starts 20~30 seconds after cliking the broadcasting button

▶ It can be caused when the version of server program is lower than manager's one.
- Server version: 2011040501
- Manager version: 2012012601

▶ Update the server program

▶ Server program's version should always upper than others

1) Check the serial key → enter the serial key
a) Check whether there is CD key on bottom of authentication window
→ If yes, enter CD Key by force.
b) Check whether there is S/N on upper of authentication window
→ If yes, enter S/N and click Activation (Internet should be connected)

2) Check whether PID of Lancard is same as authentication’s PID.
Select the lancard in combo box and check whether it is same as certified PID.
→ Verify the CD key of between manager and client

3) Check whether Lancard of PC is abled (connected)
Device manager → Network Adaptor Setting → Lay the lancard abled

4) If the new device is added, close the authentication window and newly run the program.

▶ Registration of client PID to client tab of manager
1. Check the client PID
1) Click the client icon on task bar → info → check PID
2) Open server program → click the client’s PID → mouse right button → PID copy

2. Registration of client to manager
1) Manager → Client tab → Enter and save the name & PID
▶ In case of overlap of client PID
1. Open option.ini → Delete the overlapped PID → Save & rerun the program